San Clemente

I think San Clemente was on the list of stops way back the first time I drove through Southern California. Beach, pier, trains running through… what more could you ask for?

San Clemente Pier station    📷 50mm @ f/8, 1/750s.    🎞 Eastman Double-X 5222
Beach View    📷 50mm @ f/8, 1/750s.    🎞 Eastman Double-X 5222

It’s also a nice in-between spot for LA people and San Diego people to meet up, so also the perfect Beers & Cameras meetup place.

Cameras    📷 50mm @ f/4, 1/125s.    🎞 Eastman Double-X 5222

Plenty of beach views and scenery.

Pier glow    📷 50mm @ f/8, 1/1000s.    🎞 Eastman Double-X 5222
Railroad crossing    📷 50mm @ f/8, 1/750s.    🎞 Eastman Double-X 5222

And all kinds of activities around you.

Surf-bound    📷 90mm @ f/9.5, 1/750s.
Overhead casting?
Overhead casting?    📷 90mm @ f/13, 1/2000s.    🎞